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Microsoft Skills Bootcamp
Where Your Tech Future Begins
2 - 13 DECEMBER 2024

in collaboration with

Week 1 - LearnMON 6 MARCH 1. Welcome Session - Hosted by Narelle Stefanac @ Microsoft and Dr. Khuneswari A/P Gopal Pillay @ UTHM 2. Start your self-paced learning 3. Student drop-in call - Hosted by Vicki Dam @ Modis Tech Academy (Vicki is also a previous Microsoft Bootcamp Graduate) TUE 7 MARCH 1. Self-paced learning WED 8 MARCH 1. Self-paced learning 2. Student drop-in call - Hosted by Vicki Dam @ Modis Tech Academy THU 9 MARCH 1. Revision 2. Practice Test 3. Fairness & ethics in the age of technology innovation - Hosted by Prabhath Mannapperuma @ Microsoft FRI 10 MARCH 1. How to: Schedule your exam - Hosted by Narelle Stefanac @ Microsoft
Week 2 - Revise & CertifyMON 13 MARCH 1. Live Exam Prep Sessions - Hosted by Microsoft Experts TUE 14 MARCH 1. Live Exam Prep Sessions - Hosted by Microsoft Experts 2. Practice Test (Retake) WED 15 MARCH 1. Broad Applications in Data and AI - Hosted by Kyle Akepanidtaworn @ Microsoft THU 16 MARCH 1. EXAM BLOCK (Option 1) 2. Careers in Technology Session - Hosted by Narelle Stefanac @ Microsoft and joined by panellists Dashika Gnaneswaran and Fuad Wahari @ Microsoft FRI 17 MARCH 1. EXAM BLOCK (Option 2) 2. Networking & Celebration Session - Hosted by Narelle Stefanac @ Microsoft and Dr. Aida Binti Mustapha @ UTHM
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